★★ Help us plan our grand soiree! ★★

Are you hoping to attend our 50th Class Reunion (May 16-18, 2025) in Chicago?

Are you hoping to attend our 50th Class Reunion (May 16-18, 2025) in Chicago?

If you are UNDECIDED, could the option to attend only the Saturday reunion dinner at a reduced rate induce you to attend?

If you are UNDECIDED, could the option to attend only the Saturday reunion dinner at a reduced rate induce you to attend?

Which three or four group reunion events would be of the most interest to you?

Which three or four group reunion events would be of the most interest to you?

First Name:*

First Name:*

Last Name:*

Last Name:*

Class Year:*

Class Year:*

Your Email:

Your Email:

Please add me to the Reunion Mailing List (or not):

Please add me to the Reunion Mailing List (or not):